
Am 17.07.2014, 17:30:52 Uhr schrieb Michael Piltz

Montage Halbjahresbilanz 1- 2014

Die Lieblingslieder der Montage-Gruppe aus der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2014.


Six - O - Seven - Blues - Ryo Takematsu

Salad Days - Mac Demarco

The Talking Fish - Ibibio Sound Machine

Keep On Shining - Curtis Harding

Great Minds Think Alike, All Brains Taste The Same - Happyness

Nathaniel - Ben Watt

Harsh Words With The Oacle  - Diggs Duke

Angie LaLa - Zara McFarlane Feat. Leron Thomas

The Harbour - Loretta

Waiting For The Sun - Jolie Holland

Lonely Daze - Kate Tempest

The Streets - Automat Feat. Lydia Lunch

Pressure - Tensnake Feat. Thabo

Meadow Mines - Dylan Shearer

Proud Maisre - The Lords Of Thyme

On The Rise - Ryley Walker

Never Enough - Sunrise Highway

Meet Me There - Nick Mulvey

You Don´t Realize - Hot 16 Feat. Reva DeVito

Will You Miss Me When I´m Gone - The Haden Triplets