
+++ Montag 27.02.2017, 20:30 Uhr:
Theater Rampe, Filderstrasse 47, Stuttgart

Alles nur Effekte – Über ihren Einsatz im Aufnahmestudio

Endlich – der Nachholtermin: Kompression, Hall und Echoeffekte sind aus Musikaufnahmen in Tonstudios nicht mehr wegzudenken. Wie und warum werden sie eingesetzt und wie hat sich unser Verhältnis zu ihnen verändert? Experte vor Ort: Tonstudiobetreiber und Musikproduzent Uwe Schenk.
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+++ Montag 20.02.2017, 20:30 Uhr:
Theater Rampe, Filderstrasse 47, Stuttgart

Die Heisenberg’sche Unschärferelation - eine Einführung mit praktischen Beispielen

Ulrich Everling erklärt uns die Welt. Zumindest die ganz kleine.
Keine Vorkenntnisse nötig.
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+++ Montag 13.02.2017, 20:30 Uhr:
Theater Rampe, Filderstrasse 47, Stuttgart

Cosmic Horror: HP Lovecraft

„If you are into horror, chances are you've heard of the American author H.P. Lovecraft. One of his most famous works, "The Call of Cthulhu," has an almost cult following in pop culture, with assorted merchandise as well as video games based on the tale. Imagine a man whose astronomical fiction is so realistic and powerful that numerous cults have formed and based practices on it, in an almost religious sense. (…) Lovecraft created his own sub-genre of the horror genre, known as Lovecraftian horror, or cosmic horror. This sub-genre highlights the unknown, the unknowable, and the unreachable depths of the universe. There have been film adaptions of his stories, but they usually do not hold up to the source material, and usually miss or incorrectly portray events.“
Das Universum von HP Lovecraft und sein Einfluß auf die Popkultur und Michael Piltz.
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+++ Montag 06.02.2017, 20:30 Uhr:
Theater Rampe, Filderstrasse 47, Stuttgart

Deep Listening – Pauline Oliveros

„Deep Listening is listening in every possible way to everything possible to hear no matter what you are doing. Such intense listening includes the sounds of daily life, of nature, or one's own thoughts as well as musical sounds. Deep Listening represents a heightened state of awareness and connects to all that there is. As a composer I make my music through Deep Listening“
Pauline Oliveros
Einführung in Leben und Werk mit Michael Piltz.
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