
+++ Montag 26.01.2015, 21:00 Uhr:
Tonstudio (stillgelegt), Ecke Langestrasse/Theodor-Heuss Strasse 23, Stuttgart

Film: "Rich Hall's The Dirty South" UK 2010

BBC Dokumentation über die Filmbilder Hollywoods über den amerikanischen Süden. Davor gibt es eine kurze Einführung zum Film.

"The deep south of the US is the last place it's polite to be rude about; one may, in civilised company, denigrate the region as a backward swamp of moonshine-swigging cross-burners without receiving much in the way of outraged contradiction. Rich Hall knows the region pretty well, but has lived outside it long enough to be an ideal host of this tour of the south's heritage, history and humour. Hall is unsparing about the drawbacks, but gruffly passionate about its splendours, of which there are many, and he is, as ever, smart and funny with it."
(The Guardian)

Wegen Krankheit unseres Referenten Michael Piltz wird das für diesen Termin geplante Thema "Blofeld & Konsorten – James Bond Bösewichte im Wandel der Zeit" zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nachgeholt.